The School | Lifestyle

Hey it's Martina!
How are you?

This week I want to talk about a topic: The school
It is at this time are very busy at school, I spend my time on the books.
Well just missing and I'm home for the summer holidays!
I look forward!
However I would like to tell you about what happened in the last few weeks!

-4-14-15- Brera Museum
I went to museums characteristic of my city, the museum of Brera where there are the most beautiful works of art gifted to the museum over the years.
Of course I went with the school! (Duh ...)
And I took a lot of photos of the most beautiful works!

 -4-18-15- Photos day!
In Italy, as I think everywhere, is used each year to make the class photo!
And you usually theme, this year our theme (since we had only 5days preparation) was the theme "Elegant" so we all dressed elegant and "fashion" for this day!
I wore a stylish suit, a pair of gold shoes, and a gold necklace
Makeup I used an eye-liner, by Rimmel and the  palette Naked2.
These are some photos of the day, the class photo will arrive in the coming weeks!
Me, Mouni(one of my bff), Ale(classmate) and Fatma(another Bff).

-4-14-15- WHY !?
Yes, I did not know how to name this day.
However, I have delivered a "Report Card" information, or to see what materials are going wrong so as to recover in two months, and I of course I have three subjects insufficient!
Physics, mathematics and French.
Naturally will recover by June at any cost!
But it will be difficult for this until June will see me less.
But I do it for my future to try to get to my goal!

Remember that you can follow me on:
Leave a comment if you have read or if you want to leave me some advice!

Love you, Martina.


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