40 Questions about me!

Hey guys! It's me Martina, and this is my first post on this blog.
I've decided to start the blog with a simple and fast Question tag!

So let's start!

1.if you had to live forever but youd have the same age what age would it be? 
Maybe Tweenty? or at  Eighteen?

2.what was the last book that made you cry? 

The Fault In Our Stars by John Green.

3.who was the last person to text you first? 

My sister.

4. What's your name?

5.do you think your attractive? why?
Yes, and because i'm so freaking awesome.

6.do you prefere 1 best friend or loads of just friends?
One best friend.

7.do you want kids? how many? 

Yes, two kids!

8.whos your favorite youtuber? 

I have a lot of favorite youtubers but if i need to choose one of them i'll choose Smosh!

9.dogs or cats? 

Totally cats, even if i have a dog.

10.what are you alergic to? 


11.who is your celebrity crush? 

Jared Leto.

12.Who is your favorite Pokémon?


13.would you rather party all night or have a calm night in? 

Calm night.

14.what country would you like to live in? why? 

In the U.S.A because i have some internet friends there.

15.Come Dine With Me or Dinner Date? 

Dinner date.

16.who was the last person that you wanted to punch? 

One of my school "friends".


I'm Sixteen.

18.are you shy or outgoing? 

19.how long do you spend on the internet per day? 

I spend my day on Twitter, Youtube and Tumblr.

20.indian or chinese takeaway 

Chinese takeaway.

21.Bring Me The Horizon or One Direction

Bring Me to Horizon.

22.do you smoke? 


23.do you drink? 


24.do you have any pets? 

Yes! a little fat dog!

25.are you sociable or unsociable? 


26.how many people are you following on Twitter? 

On twitter 475.

27.converse or heels?


28.who is your role model? 

Meghan Camarena. 

29.what is your favorite saturday night programme? 

I don't have a favorite Saturday night programme.

30.danisnotonfire or amazingphil?

Can i say Phan?

31.if you had a youtube channel what would you call it?

HeyIt'sMartina ?

32.whats your big dream?

Release a book!

33.if you had a son what would you call him? 

Christopher? or maybe Joe?

34.if you had a daughter what would you call her? 


35.who was the last person you saw? 

My parents.

36.do you like mondays?


37.what time do you usually go to sleep? 

At 1am or at 12pm.

38.have you ever fallen asleep with your phone in your hand? 


39.do you like pizza? 

I'm in love with pizza.

40.what colour are your eyes?


So, this was the quiz!
I guess I'll see you guys in the next post?
If you want you can leave a comment, share and a like this post!

See you later! xxx

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